Dovico has launched a new product! 🎉

In today’s business world, focusing on communication and connection is more important than ever. We live in a time where automation and technology are taking over, and many people feel disconnected from their work. To grow your business, you need to communicate effectively with your team and co-workers. ShowUp is a new communication strategy that will help you do just that and help you grow your business! 

Introducing ShowUp

Over the last five years, our team at Dovico has been developing tools to measure our own company’s culture and give our team a voice.

This has enabled us to focus on areas that needed change, navigate difficult hurdles and stay ahead of the competition. We’re now ready to share these tools with the world.

Do you want to keep your team motivated, engaged and connected? Do you need to stay ahead of the competition? If so, measuring your company culture is key.

(First photo on left: Owen Vibert, Product Manager. The second photo, Dovico co-founder Yves Doucet, CEO Shelley Butler and Owen Vibert)

Our process for measuring company culture

Leaders in any organization need insight into their company culture. To do this, we conduct regular surveys with our teams and customers.

We ask questions about how they feel about their job, what motivates them, what they think of the leadership and the teams they are part of, etc. The data it produces provides a way to get an even deeper understanding of how people view the current climate within your organization.

By gathering this information, we can then analyze it and spot trends or areas where there may be a disconnect between how people perceive things versus reality. With this data, leaders can make informed decisions on moving forward without relying on guesswork or intuition alone. It also helps them identify areas where they can help foster growth and development amongst their teams.

The benefits of ShowUp make it a powerful tool for communication

There are numerous benefits associated with measuring your company’s culture, including increased employee engagement, improved customer experience, better decision-making capabilities and greater overall productivity.

By regularly gauging the temperature of your company’s culture, you can ensure that everyone feels heard and respected. While also getting an accurate picture of what needs improvement moving forward. Additionally, it will help you identify potential problem areas before they become major issues, saving time and money in the long run.

Read the blog: Creating trust in the workplace

How to get started with ShowUp

Now that you know why it’s important (and beneficial) for companies to measure their cultures, why not try it out yourself? We can help ensure that your team is staying motivated and engaged so that you can stay ahead of the competition! ShowUp can help you connect with your team and co-workers in a more meaningful way.

Reach out today to learn more about how we can help!
Book a demo or start your free trial

Need coaching to understand your results and how to address them with your team? We got you! Coaching plans will be available with purchase.

Have a bit of time? Check out the Mindshift podcast series by Yves and Shelley


About the Author

For 30 years, Dovico has been providing time tracking and timesheet software for clients worldwide. Manage your projects and teams, capture time and generate reports.

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