Dovico Timesheet Billing view

As mentioned in our year-in-review and plans for 2024 article, we’ve created a Billing view for Dovico Timesheet. If you’ve used the previous version of Timesheet, you may be familiar with the new Billing view. Our initial goal with the new view is to bring parity with the features from the previous version but we also have plans for future improvements. As a Premium customer, you can access this view via the Projects & Employees…

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How Engineering Consultants Are Saving Time

But there never seems to be enough timeTo do the things you want to doOnce you find them Lyrics to “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce If you’re a little unsure about the profitability and efficiency of your projects, you’re not alone. It may seem like a simple task to just bill clients for time spent working on their projects, but let’s be honest, it’s a pain in the rear. Your efficiency comes down…

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