6 Meaningful Benefits of Expense Report Software

Are you buried in paper from piles of coffee-stained receipts and crumpled expense reports? How much time are you wasting chasing staff down to correct incomplete or illegitimate expense claims? If you can relate to these frustrations, then these benefits of expense report software may be of value to you. It’s time to ditch the paper. There are always better ways to do everything. Expense reporting is not an exception. As your company grows, meaningful…

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Government Contributions: How a Timesheet Can Help Grow Your Company

By Diane Doucet – Dovico Co-Founder and Time Coach Edited by: Jeff Nagle Over the past 25 years, Dovico has been the recipient of many federal and provincial government contributions. This funding has been crucial to our growth and stability over the years. For each submission, I was the portfolio manager responsible for the entire application process. I would also manage the communication and documentation for all approved contributions. Based on my experiences, and the…

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