5 Ways Time Tracking Will Improve Team Productivity 

Are you a project manager looking to improve your team’s productivity? One of the easiest and most effective methods is time tracking. Time tracking is an often overlooked yet vital aspect of project management.  It helps to measure the time spent on various tasks and activities accurately. It’s a key tool for monitoring progress, identifying bottlenecks, and ensuring projects are completed on time and within budget.  Many people don’t realize that time tracking is also…

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Mindshift Podcast Series

In today’s business climate, it’s more important than ever for leaders to learn and grow constantly. With everything else that’s going on, it can be tough to find the time to invest in professional development. That’s where the Mindshift podcast series comes in. Join Dovico CEO Shelley Butler, and Yves Doucet Cofounder as they share the secrets to achieving self-improvement, both inside yourself (where it begins) and outside–on your relationships with others; in professional life…

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Dovico Timesheet Beer Fridge

Sometimes you have to celebrate time, and we built a fridge that does just that. The response to our time tracking fridge was overwhelming so we decided to show you how to build one yourself! How it works The fridge is locked electronically, tied to the Dovico Timesheet system. As you can guess, the fridge only unlocks when 100% of your company’s time sheets are completed. Hopefully, enticing employees to get their time sheets in early, or…

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You are wasting precious time if you are not using online timesheets!

You are wasting precious time if you are not using online timesheets! This might seem to be quite a powerful statement, but unfortunately, it is true! In today’s world, every business owner is concerned about reducing costs and increasing profits. To achieve this, businesses are figuring out methods of easy operation that can both accelerate their working process and save some time and effort. The advent of advanced technology has also helped them in their…

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How can you maintain your company’s work culture while continuing to work from home?

Company culture happens to be one of the most critical factors for consideration nowadays when a job seeker applies for a new job or decides to continue working for their existing company. Therefore, building a positive company culture is imperative. A strong work culture reflects the mission, vision, values, and goals of the company. These are the things that cannot be created overnight. Even employers who work with remote teams should make an effort to…

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What are the Greatest Challenges of Working from Home?

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, work from home has become a harsh reality for a major part of the working population. It has changed the way people have been working all along, and as it seems, there will be no going back. While working remotely has allowed us the freedom to work flexible hours, it has also presented us with some major challenges. In this article, we will discuss the greatest challenges of…

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How to develop and sustain a high-performance work team?

A “high-performance work team” is a group of employees focused on their goals. They possess special expertise and exceptional skills that help them in collaborating, innovating and producing superior results consistently. Specialties of a High-Performance Work Team Simple measures cannot determine the performance effectiveness of groups. Also, no two teams are identical. However, most teams seem to have a shared understanding of the qualities that make an effective workgroup. Generally, a high-performance work team is…

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Why Goofing Off at Work Isn’t All Bad

Getting wrapped up in your work is so much easier now that you’re settled in, working at home. While great for productivity, it’s not all that great for your health. Now, missing those impromptu distractions that you had at the office, you find yourself a little burned out. In this article, I’ll give you some permission to “goof off” a little to boost productivity and energy levels. Every business organization has its share of employees…

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Knowledge Worker: The New Breed of Employees

We’re now into an age of hiring what we like to call a new ‘breed’ of employees, specifically called ‘knowledge workers. Way back in 1959, management expert Peter Drucker coined this phrase to describe people whose main skillset was to ‘think for a living rather than wait to be told what to do and when to do it. They’re highly independent, confident in their abilities to do their job well, and need little supervision in…

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Why Are You Wasting Time? How You Can Get Better at Not Doing That

As a general rule, we all waste time. We live our lives as if we have all the time in the world. However, when it comes to crunch time, there’s never enough. At the start of any big project, the mood is light. While we know there is a mountain of work to do, we feel like we have all the time to do it. It’s in the future, and our future is endless -and…

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