How to Get More From Your Timesheet Data

Timesheets are boring. Okay, let me backtrack, timesheets can be boring. Your employees generously entered their time into their timesheets. Then you took that time and reported on it to bill your clients. Now what? It’s just a timesheet! No, not really. Here are some benefits your timesheet data can give that you may not have thought about: Understand your project capacity: Knowing when to take on more As your small business grows, you see…

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Adapt to Change: Help Your Team with Resource Allocation

Your business can either live to change or change to live. You always have the choice over how you approach change, but you don’t have the choice to change. Transitions are still going to happen and learning how to adapt to change is crucial to long term success.  Gaining the ability to adapt to change in a business environment comes from preparation and knowledge. Having tools in place that give you a better picture of…

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Employee Workload: Why Are My Employees Not Hitting Targets?

One of the biggest challenges in running a small business is balancing the workload of your employees. Your employees are your most valuable asset. Making sure they are not overbooked and matching them up with projects and tasks that fit is a constant struggle. Dovico takes a lot of the guesswork out of resource allocation with Employee Workload. So, back to the title of this blog post: why are my employees not hitting targets? There…

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