What Is the Real Value of a Timesheet?

When searching for a timesheet solution, what comes to mind is ease of use, scalability and handy tools. It can be a tough job trying to find the right fit that matches business needs with the budget. Understanding the value of your purchase of a timesheet doesn’t come until a few months in when employees regularly submit their time. But, if they don’t submit their time, a timesheet becomes rather worthless. How can you get…

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6 Tips To Get Employees To Submit Their Timesheet

Timesheet… ugh! Do you like to fill your timesheet? Yes or No? Well, I can guess even before you answer most of you will say no. It’s “one more thing I have to do in addition to my zillion other tasks each week”, “I forgot”, “I didn’t have the time”. Yeah, yeah, we’ve heard it all. Dovico Timesheet I’ve been in this business for 25 years and it’s never changed. Although the need to collect…

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So, you’ve signed up for a Timesheet demo, now what?

Have you signed up for a free, no obligation, fully functional Dovico Timesheet demo environment? NO – If not, what are you waiting for? Click here to check it out YES – If you have, you probably already logged in a couple of times, saw some fake data in there, got a feel for what Dovico has to offer, but now you are left wondering: “What is the next step?” Personalized Demo Data I know what you…

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How To Increase Timesheet Productivity in Outlook

Did you know you can enter your Dovico time entries right inside Microsoft Outlook? No? Well, you can! Woot! Woot! We can waste so much time switching between apps. Any disruption to our flow at work can cost us up to 25 minutes of lost productivity. You know that the moment you turn from Outlook to your browser to fill your timesheet in Dovico, some notification will pop-up and throw you into that squirrel moment….

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7 Best Practices To Help Your Team Manage Its Time For Productivity

We always equate productivity with time. Time is money, right? But it is not so much the quantity of time that we are so concerned with even though we wish there were more hours in the day. We want more value or quality to the time we have spent. Ensuring that every member of a project team is working to their best potential and are working to their highest productivity is a combination of leadership,…

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How to Optimize Your Timesheet Menu

When going about our busy day, we want things to be more accessible and maybe even a little more straightforward. Giving meaning to our time includes not having to spend meaningless seconds looking for functionality that should be just there. Did you know that you can now edit your menu options in Dovico Timesheet? You can! If you want to remove Reports from your menu because you are not responsible for reporting, go ahead! If…

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5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Use Excel For Your Timesheets

A little story about Jessica Jessica works as an office administrator at a growing IT consulting firm. Like most office administrators, Jessica wears many hats. On top of taking care of the phone, she processes incoming payments, tidies the office, greets clients at the door and on top of it all; she manages the staff timesheet solution: a 15-year-old Excel spreadsheet. Excel has its strengths; collecting timesheets is not one of them. Every Monday morning,…

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Take the guesswork out of timesheet entry

A programmer’s secret to improving his productivity Working on multiple projects, multiple times per day was a daily occurrence for Trent. He is a software developer in a small consulting firm of about 30 people. Being an essential member of such a small team, Trent spends most of his time working on many billable projects at the same time. Accurately recording his time between so many different tasks became a problem. If he waited until the…

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I Went To Jail, But I kept my job!

It all started with a little card; “Get Out Of Jail Free.” We all want to live consequence free. Imagine a world where you could speak your mind, share your ideas and just be yourself. Can you imagine a workplace where everyone came to work to put in their full effort for the good of the company and not worried about their egos and livelihoods? Children often live in a consequence-free state, their imaginations are…

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Vacation Tracking: Get Clarity Of Your Employees Time Off

Vacation time is near! That declaration either puts you in wild jubilation in anticipating those lazy days of camping or sitting by the lake-shore at the cottage. Or, the thought of vacation tracking and handling the requests from your staff puts you into an immediate anxious state. It shouldn’t be that way. Perhaps you are a manager in charge of jockeying all of your staff’s vacation request for the summer. Maybe you are just the…

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