What Are Some Great Ways of Managing Energy Instead of Time?

‘Time Management’ is a term that many people use in modern business, but it is perhaps the most inaccurate thing to consider. This is because time cannot be managed in reality. Time is always fixed because you can have only 24 hours in a day and seven days a week. At best, you can strive to manage the time available to you by engaging in energy management.  As the adage goes, “Life is a marathon,…

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Knowledge Worker: The New Breed of Employees

We’re now into an age of hiring what we like to call a new ‘breed’ of employees, specifically called ‘knowledge workers. Way back in 1959, management expert Peter Drucker coined this phrase to describe people whose main skillset was to ‘think for a living rather than wait to be told what to do and when to do it. They’re highly independent, confident in their abilities to do their job well, and need little supervision in…

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Company Culture Should Feel Like Home

I was on my way out of the Dovico building when I heard my colleague Diane say “Are you heading back to PEI today? I don’t know how you do it travelling back and forth for work.” Without hesitation, I replied, “It’s not work to me; it’s visiting my family here!” To put this into context, I live about an hour and a half away, and I travel into the office two to three days…

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